United Way of Central Texas Seeking Bright Campaign for Christmas
Temple, Texas- December 11, 2014 - The United Way of Central Texas (UWCT) 2014 annual campaign is looking for a strong finish this year. Workplace campaigns are going well and of those reported, many are exceeding last year’s numbers. 
Expectations are high that this is going to be a better year for the UWCT campaign; however, the agency is noticing a lower than normal reporting response this year. Currently the total reported is $607,803 but that is with less than 20% of participating companies reporting.
“The good news is that the projections are great, the challenge is that we need everyone to turn in their results by the end of the year” said UWCT Director of Development Ann Thompson. “This is a busy time of year for people but, it is imperative that companies turn in their totals by year end. So many agencies and the people they serve depend on these United Way dollars.”
Some of the great results the organization has seen this year are: Wilsonart International submitting a workplace campaign total of $230,085 and Belton HEB Plus turning in $156,086, making it the largest HEB United Way campaign in the state of Texas. 
“These are very impressive numbers,” said UWCT Executive Director James Thurston. “But the UWCT campaign isn’t just about the big numbers, it is about everybody participating to impact our community. 
Every workplace campaign and individual gift is crucial to the work the United Way and its network are able to do for our community.”
In order to improve lives in Central Texas, UWCT focuses on the four building blocks of life: education, financial stability, health, and basic needs. A healthy community learns well, earns well, and lives well. Through initiatives and investments guided by community volunteers, the agency advances the common good in conjunction with its many partner agencies and community impact partners.
“The money raised through our annual campaign provides the funding needed to develop programs within our community,”Thurston said. “It takes an entire community to address the social challenges we face. 
Together, we can change the story, for so many of our friends, neighbors, and coworkers struggling to get by.”
For more information about United Way of Central Texas or to make an online donation, please visit If you would like to give a cash or check gift, please send to P.O. Box 1312, Temple, TX, 76503.